From very early times, humans have dreamed of reaching other worlds. This can be seen frequently in the writings of renowned writers of the past centuries. As early as in the second century, Lucian von Samosata wrote a story about a trip to the moon. In order not to appear ridiculous, he described it as a "Story of lies". Even Johannes Kepler (1571-1639), who involved himself with the calculation of the planetary orbits, narrated something about a trip to the moon. It dealt with demons who lived in the umbra of the earth and took over the transport to the moon. In 1865, the French writer Jules Verne wrote his famous book "From the Earth to the Moon". And even in recent times, the interest in space flights manifests itself in numerous science fiction novels and films. The Chinese experimented with rockets many centuries ago, but those were more fireworks, driven by powder. But the principle of today's rockets and probes was fundamental even then. Only in the 20th century did space come within reach. Following trials with research balloons, which reached a height of 40 kilometers; the first satellites were built. Later, man's greatest efforts were directed at putting himself into space. This was first fulfilled by the spaceship Vostok. The next objective was a visit to the moon, and exploration of other planets, and perhaps in due course, the setting up of a city in space, which, of course, is currently only a vision.